And Congratulations to John and Kari who found out today that they're having another boy! That means between now and October, among our friends, we expect to welcome 5 boys (including the twins) and 1 girl (ours). I guess our girls will grow up surrounded by boys. As Anna pointed out, they'll have plenty of quality boyfriends to choose from!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Congratulations Tom and Amy!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Last MOPS Meeting
The following pictures were given to us from Phylicia who does childcare during the MOPS meetings. I just thought they were so cute. Every time I leave her with the teachers, she cries, but I can tell from these pictures, she gets over it and has a good time with her friends.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Little Stinker
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day Weekend
On Saturday, Mike wheelbarrowed half of our dirt pile from the driveway to fill in the backyard while Kaia and I went to the park for a picnic with Jakob and Connor (and their parents). In the evening we went to Ben and Katrina's for a grillout. It was delicious! Katrina is way more classy of a host than the rest of us...the chips actually get dumped out of a bag into a nice serving bowl! Wow! The kiddos had a great time playing in the backyard. There were some boys playing next door. Kaia spent a great deal of time watching them (they had a trampoline!). At one point she was staring at this little boy through the fence and I said, "She's already attracted to the bad boys." Just then the boy says to Kaia "Wanna see my tatoo?" Oh great!!
On Sunday, we went to church, then Mike and I spent the afternoon cleaning out the dishwasher. It hasn't been cleaning right and leaves these black specs everywhere. We took the whole thing apart. Turns out there was a piece of plastic stuck in one of the sprayer things. And we have a theory that the black specs come from mineral deposits building up on the heating element. We scraped off lots of lime buildup off of all the parts. Put it back together, and now it runs great! Yay us! In the evening, Joel and Anna went out and Tyler came over to play. Once again the kids had a great time! This time, there was no funny business in the bathtub. Tyler must know better than to touch Kaia in front of Mike.
On Monday, Mike got to take a break to go golfing. Kaia and I again spent the morning outside. In the afternoon, Mike finished off the pile of dirt. Our driveway is now clear of dirt, trash, and other debris! Yay! I no longer feel like I belong in Alabama. In the evening we grilled out at the Kelners. Here's a picture of Kaia showing off her tummy for everyone on the swingset. We decided that if things continue to progress, we are going to be in serious trouble when Kaia is 13.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Fun at the Y
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
American Idol Finale
Freezer Cooking
BREAKFAST McBISCUITS (recipe is for 1 family)
12 english muffins
12 sausage patties (fully cook them before assembling sandwiches)
1 dozen scrambled eggs (I baked the eggs in a baking pan and cut with a biscuit cutter so they'd
12 cheese slices
Split muffins, and top with 1 patty, 1 cheese slice, and some scrambled eggs. Wrap each McBiscuit individually with foil, and freeze. You may need more than 1 ziplock to store all of them. To serve: place thawed, foil-wrapped biscuit in the oven and warm at 400 for about 15-20 minutes. You may need to then unwrap and wrap in a damp paper towel and microwave for a minute or two.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Recapping the Weekend
I went garage sale-ing of course. I bought some clothes and some toys, but my biggest find was this rug for $5. I wasn't even going to stop at this sale, but I drove by and saw the rug near the curb and I had to turn around and go back. I knew it would be perfect for Kaia's big girl bedroom!
We did have some time to relax. On Friday, we caught up on some TV we missed on Thursday - The Office and Lost. I'm sad Jim STILL didn't propose to Pam. And I'm certainly hoping that we get more answers on Lost next week! On Saturday we grilled out at Kelners and Mike went to a movie with the boys. Three day weekend next week!
Happy Birthday Brian!
Goin on a Wagon Ride
Wow, how they've changed! And now we've added Connor to the group. We need some more girls, Kaia's a little outnumbered. But no problem, she can hold her own!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Cute Stuff
Since it's been so nice out, I've had the windows open. This freaks Kylie out. There's all kinds of new noises and smells, the wind blows and doors slam. She's constantly under my feet, on my lap, or burrowing in the basement if she can get down there. Today, she found a safe spot in the baskets under a side table in Kaia's room. I really don't know how she fit in there, but she sure looked cute and cozy.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Twinkle, Twinkle
Long Time, No Post
Friday, May 2, 2008
Softball Season Opener
Thursday, May 1, 2008
My First Time Blogging Video
A few weeks ago, Kaia learned to say "I love you". It took me awhile to catch it on video. Watch out, it'll melt your heart! Mike also taught her awhile ago to give kisses, as you can see. She has been known to kiss us, Kylie, her stuffed animals, even pictures of animals (mostly puppies) in books. No boys yet...not till she's 30.
She also loves watching herself on screen. She was in a trance watching the videos I was taking tonight, that's why she's trying so hard to get at the camera in this video.
I went to the doctor today, and I'm at 27 weeks already, that means I start the third trimester next week already! Wow, I can't believe it! We have a lot of preparation to do yet. Baby's doing well, though. She's an active little one, always kicking me in the ribs.