Thursday, May 15, 2008

Cute Stuff

We've been takin in easy the last few days, catching up on our to-do lists and the Winona gossip. The picture above was taken as Mike and Kaia caught up on his latest issue of Computer Shopper, stimulating! Mike was busy reading and Kaia walked up, held out her arms, and said "Cuh-oh" (translation: Cuddle). She's learning so many new words, I can't even count them. The other day I said, "Crap" about something, and she quickly repeated it. Oops!

Since it's been so nice out, I've had the windows open. This freaks Kylie out. There's all kinds of new noises and smells, the wind blows and doors slam. She's constantly under my feet, on my lap, or burrowing in the basement if she can get down there. Today, she found a safe spot in the baskets under a side table in Kaia's room. I really don't know how she fit in there, but she sure looked cute and cozy.

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