On Friday, Kaia had her 18 month check-up. She's as average as can be, 24 lbs which is in the 25-50th percentile. Height is in the 10-25th percentile, and her head is in the 50-75th percentile. So she's short with a big melon head! She must get her head from the Johnsons, Mike and I have pinheads. She also got her last shot until kindergarten - the chicken pox vaccine. Yay!
On Friday evening, some friends threw a "Good riddance, Favre" party and invited Mike and some Packer fans as the guests of honor. They even had a cake made. I sent the camera with Mike, but I left the battery charging on the counter. As soon as I get pics from someone else, I'll post them.
My knee is feeling better. I'm down to one crutch most of the time. Physical therapy had been making a huge difference. I'm still trying to rest it and take it easy. Hopefully, I'll be back to normal soon.
On Saturday, Mike went skiing in LaCrosse. Kari, Jakob, Kelly, and Tressa came over to play. The kids did great. The adults had a few squabbles over toys, though!
As we were getting ready for church on Sunday, I noticed that Kaia had a rash on her back and chest. I'm pretty sure it's chicken pox!!!! Rarely, when children get the vaccine, they actually get a mild form of the disease. Lucky us! That means she's contagious until the spots scab over. Looks like we won't be going anywhere for a week or so. I think I'm going to go crazy! So far, she has no fever and she's in good spirits. Let's hope that keeps up.
I have pictures to post, but for some reason the server keeps giving me an error when I try to upload them. I'll try again tomorrow.