Tuesday, March 4, 2008

It's a Girl!

We had our ultrasound today, and we found out we are expecting another girl! Mike is really going to be taken over by all the estrogen flying around! I am thrilled, not that I wouldn't have been happy with a boy, but I am excited for Kaia to have a sister so close in age and we can use all those hand-me-down clothes and toys all over again. Besides, I'm more of a Barbies and make-up kind of mom anyway. Mike is happy, but he's convinced God is laughing at him, finally getting His revenge by gifting him with two teenage girls. Kaia could care less. The above picture is a profile. Isn't she cute?

She was showing off her feet a lot. The poor tech had a hard time getting a femur measurement because she kept kicking.
Bet you don't know what this one is. This is a picture of her tushy. The arrow is pointing to the three white lines you see there...that's her "hoo-ha-dilly" (to quote Elliot from Scrubs). It'll be a number of years before she's truly embarrassed by this picture. I asked the tech, "Now how sure are you?" She said, "I'm sure." I asked, "Could I paint her room pink?" She replied, "Paint the room pink!" So there shouldn't be any surprises in 6 months.

Everything looked great. I am currently at 19 weeks according to the calendar, and the ultrasound showed close to the same. We'll see my midwife on Thursday with for the full results. We're so happy!

Today was still a bitter-sweet day in the Loos household. It was announced this morning that our beloved Brett Farve is retiring. I could cry. There will be no player with more class and no greater quarterback. We will miss him. So on a day of celebration, we also mourn our loss.


Heather said...

awww...she is beautiful!

Jenna said...

Correction! Mike brought to my attention that the correct term as quoted by Elliot is simply "hoo-hoo". The term "hoo-hoo-dilly" is used to describe the male genetalia as defined by the Urban Dictionary. The term originated in an episode of South Park. Leave it to Mike to have the down low urban terms, especially those used to describe male and female parts!