Friday, February 29, 2008
Bearly Toddler Class
A special thanks to Heather for taking some pictures for me to post. This is Kaia riding on the teeter-totter thing - it's her favorite activity in the gym. She can really get that thing rockin!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Update on My Knee
Right now I'm just trying to figure out what life is going to be like having a toddler and crutches. At least I don't have an infant, a toddler, and crutches!
I should have taken a picture of the 55CC's of bloody fluid sucked from my knee. Two giant syringes, gross. Sorry folks, no pictures this time!
Monday, February 25, 2008
All Beat Up
Kaia also has a little injury of her own. Yesterday, she fell off her rocking horse. I didn't see it, but today she has a cute little bruise under her eye. It's like a dainty black eye. It hardly shows up in the pictures, but everyone made comments about it this morning. How pathetic are we?
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Marty, Jess, and Baby Alex Visit
Marty, Mike, and friends had to break in the poker table. No that's not a crazy Mexican in the hat, it's just Kelly.
Baby Alex giving Mike an open mouth kiss!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Kaia Is Eighteen Months Old Today!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Kylie Gets Pretty
When we ride in the van, Kylie's not allowed on my lap while driving. If there's no other adult in the car, her next best option is to ride on Kaia's lap. It has nothing to do with being close to someone, but everything to do with being able to see out the window. From Kaia's carseat, Kylie can see out all sides of the van, I can see why she enjoys it. Kaia tolerates it. I think it's hilarious.
This is Kylie right now, taking a snooze after her exhausting adventure.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Rollin With My Roomies
Kaia was a little clingy all weekend. She, Mike, and Grace caught some morning cuddles. Can't you tell from Mike's bedhead?
Mike beat us all and Sarah, 7 months pregnant, took second place with a 134. She doesn't let the belly hold her back!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day!
I think the puppy is her favorite. She cuddles it and carries it around with her. I like how when you hold it up by the heart in it's mouth, it looks just like Kylie fighting for her toy.
Kaia did some fingerpainting to make a Valentine's Day gift for Daddy. What a mess! She got far more paint on herself, me, and the rest of the kitchen than she got on the paper. She had fun though. Amazingly, Kylie stayed pretty clean, thank goodness.
Here's Kaia and Mike exchanging Valentine's Day gifts. Mike got Kaia a card that says "I know you, and you've got one thing on that naughty little mind of yours" and when you open it it plays "I Want Candy!" Those musical cards provide Kaia with more hours of entertainment than most of her toys.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
Monday, February 11, 2008
All Dressed Up
Team 1 chose the theme of classic Disney characters. From left to right: Pluto, Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, and Goofy. From what I hear, Goofy had a perfect Goofy laugh.
Team 2 chose Snow White and the Seven (Well, Two) Dwarfs. From left to right: Sleepy, Sneezy, and Snow White. I think it's funny that Brandon, who is almost as tall as Mike, was a dwarf. This team also performed an awesome rap about McDonalds, which had nothing to do with their theme, but was very entertaining.
Team 3 chose Pirates of the Carribean. From left to right: The girls (I don't know the characters names), Gibbs, and Captain Jack Sparrow. This team also acted out the final scene of the movie! Talk about talent!
Our Little Urkel
We discovered a jar of Grandpa's homemade applesauce in the cupboard. Grandpa uses home grown, VERY tart apples to make it, and he doesn't add any sugar. It has so much bite, I cannot eat it without adding sugar. But, Kaia sure loves it plain. She's been asking for it everyday. Thanks Grandpa!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Our Chilly Weekend
Thursday, February 7, 2008
To Eau Claire We Go
Mason and Kaia dancing to the flashy snow globe. I know what Kaia's getting next Christmas!