Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Update on My Knee

So I bit the bullet and asked Mike to take me to urgent care tonight. Apparently I picked the right night because the doctor I saw used to be in Orthopedics - lucky me! He took a very thorough look at my knee, ordered x-rays, and even drained the fluid which he claimed an ordinary physician would not have done. He determined nothing is broken, but there is something wrong. The fluid he drained had lots of blood in it which, more than likely, means I have a deep tear in a meniscus or I tore my ACL. He said I need to be on crutches (YAY!) and I need to see an orthopedic specialist. I'll call tomorrow for an appointment and we'll go from there.

Right now I'm just trying to figure out what life is going to be like having a toddler and crutches. At least I don't have an infant, a toddler, and crutches!

I should have taken a picture of the 55CC's of bloody fluid sucked from my knee. Two giant syringes, gross. Sorry folks, no pictures this time!

1 comment:

Heather said...

hahaha. now THAT would be a good blog picture. can i help you with anything?