Monday, February 11, 2008

All Dressed Up

Mike's youth group had a fun little competition last night. The Challenge: Given a theme and a stack of newspapers, creatively dress your team members to fit the theme. The Theme: Disney

Team 1 chose the theme of classic Disney characters. From left to right: Pluto, Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, and Goofy. From what I hear, Goofy had a perfect Goofy laugh.

Team 2 chose Snow White and the Seven (Well, Two) Dwarfs. From left to right: Sleepy, Sneezy, and Snow White. I think it's funny that Brandon, who is almost as tall as Mike, was a dwarf. This team also performed an awesome rap about McDonalds, which had nothing to do with their theme, but was very entertaining.

Team 3 chose Pirates of the Carribean. From left to right: The girls (I don't know the characters names), Gibbs, and Captain Jack Sparrow. This team also acted out the final scene of the movie! Talk about talent!

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