Monday, June 23, 2008

Steamboat Days

Every town has their "Days" celebration. In Winona, we have Steamboat Days and it was this weekend. On Friday, we went down to the carnival for a greasy dinner, rides, and to hang with the "carnies". Kaia loved watching all the people. While we were there, we got to see a human cannonball. We thought for sure he was going to overshoot his landing.

Kaia liked watching the rides and said she wanted to go on them, but once she got there, she changed her mind. Mike took her on two rides: the Crazy Bus and the Merry Go Round. On the crazy bus, she sat next to him and clung to him, gripping his t-shirt the entire time. We thought she'd like the Merry Go Round a little better, but still, it just made her a little nervous. That's my kind of girl! I don't do rides. Daddy had fun though.

On Sunday, we went to the parade. We got rained on a few times, but Kaia still liked everything about it - the horses, the bands, the grown men riding go-carts (there were about 5 different groups of them), the firetrucks, and the candy. At the end, she started taking the candy from our pile and putting it back into the street, because she thought that's where it belongs.

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