Thursday, June 19, 2008

Kaia Rae

Here's just some snapshots of Kaia.

Once in awhile, I'll notice it's quiet in our house, and I'll go to check on Kaia. Lately, I've found her just sitting and cuddling with Kylie, giving hugs and kisses. Ah, the bond between a girl and her dog!

This is one of Kaia's favorite things to do, "color paper". I think she picked up this term because she needs to be reminded often that we only color on paper. Thank goodness for washable crayons!


Heather said...

oh, that is a smart thing to keep crayons in. i have one of those from the Sauke's last year. i'm copying you now!

KariY said...

I have one too! It's great for crayons. And I love the washable crayons as well. Those are the only crayons we use right now...for obvious reasons.