"What's this"
"Got It!"
"Hmm, now what do I do with it?"
"Yum-o, thank you so much for this delicious cake, Mommy!"
"Ooo, it's so good! Is it gone already?"
"Plate, not so good. I want some more!"
"Yum-o, thank you so much for this delicious cake, Mommy!"
"Ooo, it's so good! Is it gone already?"
"Plate, not so good. I want some more!"
Halle had a great birthday. We had some friends over for dinner yesterday. I decorated with some pink balloons and a birthday sign. When Kaia saw it she exclaimed, "It's my pink birthday!" I had to explain that it was Halle's birthday today, and hers was another day. She's already decided she wants a pink cake. Halle was excited too, she's been totally entertained chasing balloons around the house. I can't believe my baby is one!