Friday, August 29, 2008

Matching Outfits!

Aren't they cute in their matching dresses? I love having two girls! No, I didn't buy these outfits, they were a gift. I actually find that I subconciously dress them alike on many days. Yesterday, they were both in purple. The day before that they both wore yellow. Funny, when an overwhelming majority of their clothes are pink.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Family Camp 2008

Finally! They're here! Family camp pictures. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Goofy Kaia

Kaia has really started to ham it up for the camera. Here are a couple of the goofy faces she's given us.

Remind you of someone else you know????

Like father, like daugher I guess...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


We went to Roccos for Dean's 30th birthday party this weekend. We set Halle and Deacon in their carseats off in a corner while we ate. People kept walking by and asking if they were twins. We just chuckled and replied, "No, they're just friends, but they are two days apart." We just never expected people to think that, but I guess I can see why they would.

Tyler and Kaia Dance-a-thon

Tyler and Kaia were having a blast dancing in front of the juke box at Roccos on Saturday. How 'bout those moves?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Mike Power Walking

During Kaia's birthday party, the adults watched some Olympics. One channel was airing the power walking competition. If you've ever watched it, it's creepy the way the women's legs move, they look like rubber. I still cannot believe it's a real competetive sport. Neither can Mike. In typical Mike fashion, he was out to prove that even he could power walk with the best of them. Observe.

I stole this video from Heather. Sorry Heather, couldn't help myself. I figure a video of Mike as entertaining as this make an appearance on the Loos blog.

Friday, August 22, 2008

The Girls

I wish I could say this was the first bath the girls took together, but it's the second. I love this bath seat from Marty and Jess. Kaia loves to help bathe Halle and it saves time. For safety reasons, it does require two adults to supervise though.

Kaia likes it when Daddy wraps her towel around her like a taco. I think it's more like a burrito, but whatever.

Kaia is into dressing and undressing herself. She still needs some practice as you can see. This is actually a pair of shorts on inside out and upside down. And, yes, she is pants-less. It is a common sight around here lately. Part of it is potty training, part of it is that I'm tired of trying to convice Kaia to keep her clothes on.

Daddy and Halle getting their cuddles on.

Kaia's Birthday #2

Yesterday we had a little gathering to celebrate Kaia's birthday with her friends. It was a small group, but we had a good time.
Tyler helped blow out the candles.

Heather made Kaia a collage of pictures of Kaia and Connor. It's so cute, especially the big one taken about a year ago, where it looks like the two chubby cheeked toddlers are holding hands.

Kaia got a raincoat and kitty boots from Kelly and Tressa. She looks like such a sweetie when she wears them, I just want to squeeze her. Heather has some really good pictures from the party on her blog. Click here.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

More from Green Bay

Cassie and Halle
My "little" brother, the massive football player.
Mommy trying on Kaia's snazzy vest.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Kaia!

My little girl turns two today! She was lucky enough to have a birthday celebration in Green Bay this weekend. Here are some pics.

Eating a bowl of very melty but delicious ice cream with Aunt Lora.
Opening presents. What a lucky girl!

She knows to look cute for the camera.

The best part - Birthday Cake!

This morning I surprised her with streamers on her bedroom door. When I went in to get her from her crib, she noticed right away. She pointed to the door and said, "Ohhh, cuuute!" Kaia also got a special birthday lunch...Daddy, Halle, and I took Kaia for a picnic lunch in the park and we just happened to see Laura, Ian, Jared, and Katrina there too. This evening, Mike and I have a meeting so Kaia is going to Auntie Laura's house. At first I felt bad about that, but then I realized, she'll have more fun there anyway! What a good day!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Miss Kylie

While we were at camp, Kylie stayed with the Bradbergs. After a few days, she fit in well with their three dogs. Heather sent us updates on "Miss Kylie" throughout the week. Apparently, she became pretty fond of Connor, pawing at his door during nap time and playing cars with him. She was suspected of eating a piece of pizza off the counter, but refused to eat dog food for the first few days. She got brushed every day and even took a trip to Eau Claire...what a treat! I'm surprised she wanted to come home! Here are some pics Heather sent.

Snoozing after a busy day.

Connor "riding" Kylie.

Heather dressed Kylie up a few times. One was this princess costume. Silly! My question is why does Heather have a doggy princess costume???

Kaia and her Cousins

While I was at the hospital, Kaia stayed with Matt and Laura and family. Laura sent me some pictures from those few days.
Ian and Kaia.

Jared, Katrina, and Kaia

Jared, Ian, and Kaia walking into the hospital for a visit with Baby Halle.

This is a cute picture Laura took last fall when we went to the apple orchard. Look at how chubby and bald Kaia is!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Getting Back on Track

Well, time has gotten away from me. It's been awhile since our last post. Things have, of course, been crazy around here. As I put it earlier, I choose a nap over blogging EVERY time!!

Mike downloaded all my pictures from the last two weeks onto his computer, so I need to nag him to copy them to my laptop so I can share them. Instead, here are some pictures my mom took during her visit.

Today was my first day alone with the girls without help. It went pretty well. We ventured out to playgroup at church and even took Kylie to the groomers. Everything takes 10 times longer with two!